Elements of SpringBoard

Elements of SpringBoard

·         Rigorous, standards-based instruction:  The College Board Standards for College
      Success in Mathematics provide the instructional framework for developing the skills
      students need for both AP and college-level work.

·         Research-based instruction:  The SpringBoard program integrates the research finding
      on best practices for helping students learn, as well as underlying research on how best to
      present and reinforce new content learning.

·         Student-centered, interactive, collaborative activities:  Each grade level or course
      is organized into short, interactive activities that require students to participate through
      discussions, making their own notes about concepts, and demonstrating learning through
      multiple means of evaluation.

·         Integrated teaching and learning strategies:  Embedded in each activity in are
      Suggested Learning Strategies that help students use a methodical approach to learning
      new content.  These learning activities are designed to encourage students to take control
      of their own learning by identifying which strategies work best for them.

·         Assessment for learning:  Multiple opportunities are provided to assess student learning.

·         Professional development:  Unparalleled professional development builds teacher
      capacity to deliver challenging curriculum to meet the needs of all students while honoring
      the creativity and intelligence teachers bring to the classroom

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