2. Deliver your requested by mail to:
HMS Superintendent
Custodian of Public Records
P.O. Box 1030
Hobbs, NM, 88240
Or in person to:
HMS Central Office
1515 E. Sanger
Hobbs, NM, 88240
Or by email to: stricklandg@hobbsschools.net
Or by fax to: 575-433-0140
What to Expect
- Upon receipt of written or electronic Inspection of Public Records request, the HMS Custodian of Records will respond in writing within three calendar days to acknowledge receipt of that request.
- After determining if the requested records exist, and are subject to inspection, copies of the records will be made available for review at the HMS district offices at 1515 E. Sanger. Hobbs, NM 88240.
- Arrangements can be made to have the requests mailed if necessary.
- The district charges 50 cents per page for copies of records. HMS can invoice you when you receive copies