Prohibitions (Intimidation, and Hostile or Offensive Conduct


  1. It is the policy of the Board of Education to prohibit violence, threats, name-calling, bullying, cyber-bullying, unlawful harassment, harassment based on prohibited characteristics, intimidation, assault, battery, extortion, robbery, vandalism, and other victim-based misconduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for students, regardless of motive or reason.  The Board and Superintendent will not tolerate such victim-based misconduct by students or staff.         
  2. No person shall be subject to reprisals for good faith reporting, or participating in the investigation, of a potential violation of this policy.
  3. No employee or student may knowingly give false reports or information under this policy.
  4. Such conduct committed by employees toward students, other employees or school patrons or by non-school persons (i.e. parents, volunteers, community members, visitors, or vendors, etc.) shall be reported and investigated as specified below.


  1. Hazing is prohibited in all schools of the District, in connection with any school-sponsored event, function or activity, whether on or off school property, and whether during or outside school hours.
  2. School officials, employees, and volunteers:
    • Shall not permit or tolerate hazing, and
    • Shall intervene to stop hazing that is threatened, found, or reasonably known or suspected to be occurring, and
    • Shall report known or suspected hazing to the school principal or the Superintendent.
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