Middle School Theatre Program

students in costume on stage
21st Century Jefferson, Taylor and College Lane students - along with some middle school drama enthusiasts - participated in a recent Willy Wonka production. Click on the photo for highlights.

Middle School Bridge Programs

MacKenzee Byers and Bailey Salaiz portray battling forces of good and evil during Friday’s middle school play, Adventures of a Comic Book Artist. The musical was performed by students from Highland, Houston and Heizer and directed and choreographed by Hobbs High School theatre students.
 Click on the photo for highlights.

Click here for Part 1 of the Full Performance Video  Click here for Part 2 of the Full Performance Video and Director Interviews

After being cast, tutored and directed by HHS theatre students for the past two weeks, 
Hobbs middle school students got a chance to display their acting talents in the play,  "Unplugged" 
on Friday afternoon at Tydings Auditorium. 
Click on the picture for highlights.

Watch Part 1 of the Full Performance 
by clicking on the picture below.
Watch Part 2 of the Full Performance 
by clicking on the picture below.

Middle School Musical

Click on the picture above for the photo album. 

Middle School Musical Part 1Middle School Musical Part 2

This is the photo album of the performance of The Taming of Katy Lou by Highland, Houston, and Heizer Middle School students. Hobbs High School students are responsible for directing this rip-roaring musical production.  They performed for a group of 5th Grade students in the morning and around 200 parents in the evening.

 Click on the Pictures above to see Part 1 and Part 2 of the full performance.  

Take a trip down memory lane from past Middle School Musicals by clicking on the pictures below.


Colby Coleman pleads for mercy from the jury during Friday's production of the Big Bad Musical. Middle school students, who were directed by members of the HHS theater class, gave two performances. 
Click on the picture for highlights.

Ivory Heister is pumped during her audition for a part in the Big Bad Musical on Monday. Heister was among several middle school students who won roles in the play - which will be directed by HHS theater students. After two weeks of rehearsal, the performance is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 25th in Tydings Auditorium. 

shake with a zombie 
College Lane's Trey Teague was a comedic hit as Sheriff Billy Bob when sixth-graders from all over Hobbs performed Shake with a Zombie on Friday. The play , which featured singing and dancing, was directed by members of the HHS Advanced Drama Studio class.  
Click on the picture above for more

6th Grade Musical

Winter, which, being full of care, 
makes summer's welcome thrice more wish'd, more rare.”  

-          William Shakespeare

It sounded like a great idea to have a 6th-grade musical in the middle of winter. That was before we saw the forecast reminding us of La Niña and a snowstorm worthy of Anchorage hit Hobbs. The audition was postponed twice.  Parents called school offices to see if school was canceled and if auditions were canceled - but not necessarily in that order. 

This first-ever sixth-grade play had a challenging start.  However, it taught the students a valuable lesson about an old saying of the theatre:  the show must go on.  We are not promised a warm summer every day of our life.  We will wake up some days and have plenty of snow and ice to choreograph our way through.  This is what the arts teach the student.  The show must go on.  After the snow and ice melt away, you still have to show up.  You still have to do your best.  You still have to attempt excellence and leave it all on the stage. 

The teachers have been very impressed by the maturity and poise of the Theatre Studio Class that cast and directed the play.  We thank the music teachers and drama teachers that helped structure the rehearsals to set sixth-grade actors up for success.  And most importantly we thank the sixth graders for showing up and doing their best every day.  We hope you enjoyed “Shake with a Zombie.”  It demonstrated the first major collaboration between the elementary and secondary fine arts departments.

If you have any questions about the Elementary Fine Arts Program you can e-mail 
ledgerwoodt@hobbsschools.net.   Thank you for your interest in the arts.

 Fine Arts Coordinator

Tyson Ledgerwood
Elementary Fine Arts Coordinator
Hobbs Municipal Schools


 6th Grade Musical Auditions


Broadmoor sixth-grader Abby Milligan reads for a part in front  of Nick Flemens during Monday's auditions for Shake with a Zombie. Flemens, a HHS senior, is directing the play with the help of fellow students who have also choregraphed dance routines and songs for the production - set for Jan. 20. 
Click on the picture for more.

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