
maggie lopezName: Maggie Lopez
Years of Experience: One
College:  USW
What you Teach: HHS, Study Skills
Favorite Book: Lillies of the Field
Favorite pasttime: Softball, bowing, gardening, time with family
Your Most Influential Educator: My mother. She taught me to have high expectations for myself as well as for others. I can stlil feel her presence every time I achieve new things. 

mayName: Phillip May
Years of Experience: First
College:  USW
What you Teach: Jefferson Elementary, 6th grade
Favorite Book: Left Behind Series
Favorite pasttime: VW Bugs, working out, camping
Your Most Influential Educator: Mr. Bird, my 4th grade teacher at Will Rogers. He was supportive during a rough time and held me learn study habits.

mccleeryName: Brittanee McCleery
Years of Experience: Second
College:  Lubbock Christian University
What you Teach: Taylor Elementary, 4th grade
Favorite Book: Redeeming Love and The Shack
Favorite pasttime: helping coach freshman cheerleaders
Your Most Influential Educator: Several, Mrs. McMurray, Mrs. Vrska, Mrs. Oney, Mrs. Pruitt and Mrs. Knight. Each one of them had some kind of impact on my life that I can bring into my own classroom.

mcclureName: Stephanie McClure
Years of Experience: Two
College:  NMSU
What you Teach: HFHS, Science
Favorite Book: Beauty, Poisoned Bible
Favorite pasttime: Gardening, camping, being with family
Your Most Influential Educator: My high school English teacher, Mr. Helm. He never raised his voice and took time to talk to each student. He had an extremely real personality.

mendezName: Sylvia Mendez
Years of Experience: One
College:  USW
What you Teach: Highland Junior High, Bilingual Language Arts
Favorite Book: The Bible
Favorite pasttime: Spending time with God and my granddaughters
Your Most Influential Educator: My mother. She taught all grade levels but I imagine that Sunday school was where she really influenced me. In the school system, she began as an aide and went on to greater accomplishments.

mitchellName: Edwin Lee Mitchell Jr.
Years of Experience: One
College:  USW
What you Teach: Will Rogers, PE
Favorite Book: Wild at Heart
Favorite pasttime: Playing basketball
Your Most Influential Educator: My special education teacher, Mrs. Granado. She taught me what I needed to succeed in school. She was the first teacher who really took the time to give me the help that I needed.

molinarName: Connie Molinar
Years of Experience: 16
College:  USW
What you Teach: Stone/Jefferson Bilingual
Favorite Book: A Child Called It
Favorite pasttime: Spending time with grandchildren
Your Most Influential Educator: My USW professor, Emily Navarrette. She inspired me to get my education. She taught me that I could reach my goals in life - to impact the lives of my students!

panaliganName: Warren Panaligan
Years of Experience: 12
College:  Southern Luzon State University, Philippines
What you Teach: HFHS, Science
Favorite Book: Any Science book
Favorite pasttime: Watching movies, DVDs
Your Most Influential Educator: My parents. They were both educators.
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