January Column

Posted on 1800/01/01

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! As we look to the new year ahead, I trust that 2024 is full of hope and anticipation for the good things to come. A portion of our calendar each year is the legislative session. This being an even numbered year, the session will be a 30-day session. Beginning on January 16 and concluding on February 15, this session is intended to focus on state finances, budget and matters raised by the executive branch of government. It is in full swing as bills are being heard in committee as their initial step in the legislative process. Hobbs is fortunate to have the delegation of legislators that represent us. Those elected individuals are Senator David Gallegos, Senator Steven McCutcheon, Representative Larry Scott and Representative Randall Pettigrew. They each serve in their unique capacity and work to make life better. I hope that each of us stay informed and inquire about legislation that piques our interest. Our legislators are more than willing to hear from us. To stay up to date on the happenings in Santa Fe, visit the NM Legislature website at nmlegis.gov.

The State of NM is in receipt of record revenues due to the activity and profitability of the energy industry primarily derived from Southeast New Mexico. Given the limited scope of this session, there are handful of bills that Hobbs Municipal Schools is paying attention to as they wind their way through the legislative process. Here are some of those at this time. HB 2 – General Appropriation bill is typically the budget bill. This is where the funding for education is primarily allocated and identified. Across the three proposed budgets there are increases ranging for 3 to 6 percent for state employees. HB 171 is taking up the discussion of High School Graduation requirements. The current requirements have not been examined or adjusted for well over a decade. The proposed requirements better reflect the needs of our community in providing an educated and capable workforce and responsible citizenry.

While the annual legislative process generates a substantial amount of attention due to the potential impacts and change in our daily lives, it also may generate change in our educational systems as well. Recognizing that change is one of the absolute constants in each of our lives. Hobbs Schools strives to adapt change to be in line with our District Vision, Values and Mission. As we step into the newness of 2024, I believe it is important for us to be grounded in those beliefs that our community holds to be true. Our Mission is to provide a safe learning environment that ignites and fosters passion so that all learners are provided with high-quality education that opens doors to endless opportunities. While we provide a safe, passionate learning environment we aspire to be a community that all learners are equipped for their unique future. The beliefs that allow us to work from our Mission to our Vision is rooted in our Values. Through our Values of Student-Centered, Service, Capacity Building, Innovation and Sustainable High Performance we are able to adjust. Join us in highlighting members of our community that exemplify and demonstrate the Values important to our community. Collectively, we are better together and providing a viable future for our youth and ultimately our community.



Hobbs Municpal Schools

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